Improving Short Term Memory Through A Brain-healthy Diet
The old adage “You are what you eat” not only applies to the physical aspect of you, but mental as well. While there is plenty of talk about having a diet that is healthy for the body, there is a lot to say about having a diet healthy for the brain, Like the body, the brain is subject to a number of ailments and diseases, and this includes things like memory loss, degenerative diseases and even more serious brain ailments like Alzheimer’s.
Keeping your brain hale and hearty is one of the largely significant things to make sure that you are running in tip top condition and this includes a whole laundry list of nutrients, supplements and vitamins you should be taking. This also includes things like the sort of food you should and should not be eating as some sorts of food combinations can be detrimental to certain brain functions. First things first, you must always eat your vegetables and there is a very important reason for this.
One of the latest developments from neuroscience states very clearly that vegetables is really, really good for you and there is a certain advice that will lead to the belief that eating an assortment of vegetables of every colour and form will give you a healthy brain. There are many recent studies showed that individuals that eat vegetables from a young age perform much better at memory and learning tests. And the more of the vegetables they ate, especially in the times leading up to the tests, the better they did perform. Having such a diet rich in these vegetables is good because it is packed with the sort of anti oxidants, minerals and vitamins, low in transfat and very low in calories.
So the next time you are out shopping for food, it is a good idea for you to get yourself a list of vegetables that are high in vitamins and minerals, and it is a good idea to purchase those leafy greens. Another thing you need to look at is Omega-3, which is a form of polyunsaturated fats that are found in fat fish, and these minerals show that Omega-3 are crucial in maintaining day to day brain functions especially in children early in their developmental stages of their life. It also helps to protect the brain from premature aging as well.
Vitamin B has been one of the popular vitamins out there that has been connected to a
healthy brain and this is because as a vitamin, it lowers the levels of homocysteine, a type of blood protein as well as the folic acid’s ability to prevent degenerative brain diseases. These are some of the brain foods that you might want to look at to improve your overall brain’s health and the good news is that they are easily available on the local market, produce store and supplement store. It is just a matter of you popping by your local departmental store and purchasing them. With this, you can improve your short term memory through a diet tailor made for a healthy brain.
By: Greg Frost
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